Monday 17 May 2010

New Film Idea

I have now completed my second year of university and hopefully moving on to my final year, pending results ect. Therefore I thought it may be a great time, now that i have 4 months off, to start think of an idea for my Graduation film.

I've had this piece of music which I have been wanting to use in a film for quite sometime, however it seems to fit. Whether it being the right style or that it creates the wrong atmosphere. This song is 'Take me into your skin' by Trentemoller.
After listening to the song repetitively, over and over again. Images of a man in a forests started to come into my head.

There I had it a starting point, but what was this man doing in the forest?
where was he coming from?
where was he going to?
why was he there?

These are question I need to work out...

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